Navigating Digital Realities and Human Needs

Navigating Digital Realities and Human Needs

Programme Progression 

As Choices hits its third week for Year 6 Session Three, we focus on Kwan and his online and offline personas. This should prompt profound discussions about the lives of your pupils and the challenges of an evolving digital world, crucial for a generation shaping identities in both realms. Kwan’s journey mirrors many real-life challenges Year 6 students may encounter, once again examining the impact of basic human needs, unveiling how fears and anxieties can sway decision-making and how this has the potential to shape their present and future choices.

Crafting Engagement: The Heart of Success

We often hear from teachers how pupils identify with Kwan and his friends —they adore the story and relish using technology to immerse themselves fully in it. The characters and narratives are meticulously designed to resonate with young lives. They act as powerful proxies for young people to identify with, objectively explore their challenges, and learn by responding to the scenarios as the story unfolds. While technology plays a pivotal role in building initial engagement, transitioning to more traditional classroom-based interactions featuring discussion and collaboration embeds essential interpersonal skills. 

The Dialogic Approach: A Win-Win Pedagogy

The commitment to engagement is a fundamental feature of the dialogic pedagogy embedded in Choices. As Robin Alexander highlights in his book A Dialogic Teaching Companion, this approach is a win-win. For pupils, it harnesses the power of talk to stimulate thinking, advance understanding, and empower them for lifelong learning and democratic engagement. Moreover, the collaborative and supportive nature brings social and emotional benefits. For teachers, it provides visibility into pupils’ thinking, enabling tailored support, assessment, and progress tracking. This virtuous circle ensures mutual benefits, enhancing the learning experience not just during the Programme but continually, fostering skills that transcend its duration.

As Year 6 Session Three unfolds, its dual focus on the intricate connection between digital realities and human needs opens avenues for insightful discussions, weaving a narrative that further strengthens Year Six pupils with resilience and decision-making skills. Guided by engaging stories, purposeful technology integration, and a dialogic approach that enriches students and educators alike, the journey to sophisticated decision-making is genuinely underway. 

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