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Unleashing the Power of Moral Intelligence
In Choices Year 5 for session 10, we unleash the power of moral intelligence and nurture ethical decision-makers using Marcus’ story
Read moreHow Choices makes a difference
Cathy Grace, the Head Teacher of Thornton Primary School, talks to us sharing a story of the real impacts Choices makes.
Read moreBreaking stereotypes around young people
Jo Broughton, our Choices Coordinator shares the truth about the stereotypes around boys and girls in schools.
Read moreEnhancing our technology
Engagement is one of the key foundations we are built upon and using technology bridges the gap between mental, emotional & social health.
Read moreDepersonalising the issues
Choices Session 9 uses Marcus’ Story, to help Year 5 pupils build a solid support network, understand their right to feel safe and manage situations that limit their choices
Read moreNavigating moral dilemmas
Year 5 Session 8 uses Marcus Story to challenge them to navigate moral dilemmas, behaviours & techniques used to negatively influence them.
Read moreSkills and strategies for more considered choices
Choices Session 7 uses Marcus Story, our interactive digital comic book for Year 5 pupils, to help young people identify potential risks and develop strategies and techniques to manage them.
Read moreApplying the lessons in a real-world context
Session 6 brings together the central concepts of the programme to help young people understand life in real-world situations.
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