Innovation Programme

We are a behaviour-change lab bringing together researchers, engagement specialists, educationalists, designers and tech developers around a mission to enable young people to choose their own, better, futures. From the insight we gather, we work with partners to create and deploy immersive learning experiences, designing interactive technologies that young people love to use.
We are looking for a supplier to carry out the development and build of a single, full-featured bespoke teaching and learning platform. We are tendering for quotes for the completion of the following key functionality:
We expect to commence this project as soon as possible.
We will assess each bid for the tender in the following way:
If you are interested in tendering for this opportunity of would like to know more, please contact us on
This tender will be advertised for the next 10 working days
with a closing date of Tuesday 10 January 2023 at 23:59
This tender award is subject to ERDF Grant Offer from CW Innovation Programme
which will be part funded by the European Regional Development Fund